

Gamescenes is the most established and comprehensive web resource for fine art projects related to video games. Their physical book, published in 2006, is one of the few documents of many seminal works of video game-related art, many of which would have been otherwise lost to the fleeting wiles of the internet. Similar to Rhizome’s work, the Gamescenes website features a sprawling collection of games-related artworks, art show/artist book announcements, and original artist interviews. Gamescenes is the deepest font of video game-related fine art on the internet. (And an inspiration to what we do here!*)


Note: Gamescenes has featured a number of Eron’s projects and works by Eron’s friends and colleagues. Also, Eron has gotten curatorial advice from Gamescenes’ personnel. (Hi Matteo!)

* Since we’re talking platforms here, it’s instructive to look at how Gamescenes differs from Video Games for the Arts. Gamescenes’ purview is deep, focused, and comprehensive, gathering comprehensive information on video-game-related art for fine art-savvy audiences. While here at Video Games for the Arts, we are shallow and broad: Our goal is to meet the 101 needs of a wide variety of patrons from across all the arts and education. To put it another way, Video Games for the Arts is deliberately non-comprehensive so that it can, as is the case with this article, quickly reroute people to Gamescenes’ if their goal deep dive in massive archive (curators especially!)


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