War Paintings - Ivor Scott

Ivor Scott - War Paintings.png

War Paintings—the name conjures a history of images both stately and terrifying. But in the age of millions of simultaneous simulated conflicts raging, untold billions of avatars expiring every moment, all perused from the safety of a couch and a video game system, what stories is there for the grand medium of oil paint to preserve for the moral education of future generations? Ivor Scott’s War Painting (Glitches) answer just such a question. Works the scale of a Best Buy Black Friday LCD TV hold pale, steady renderings of the mortal shells of fallen digital warriors, clipped, glitched, or unceremoniously rag-dolled. Coupled with cryptically, ironic names, such as “A gamer’s odd attunement toward the game”, Scott’s stately paintings ask viewers to spend an expanded, prolonged, understanding of these brief moments before respawning back into the ever-churning maelstrom of simulated video game war.  

Artist: Ivor Scott

Link: https://ivorscott.com/



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